
MSDF’s warship collides with container ship!

The MSDF’s destroyer named Kurama was collided with the South Korean container ship named Carina Star on Tuesday night in the Kanmon channel near the southern of Kyusyu.
Three Kurama crew were injured. One Kurama crew member was scratches and bruises and other two crew member were sickened by inhaling smoke of fire.
Fortunately, none of the Carina Star’s crew members were injured.
The Kurama’s bow was badly damaged but it was able to navigation by own.
The Kurama carrying 360 crew members and it was way to its home port of Sasebo on Kyusyu from the port of Yokosuka when accident was happen.


Summer vacation

I came back to my hometown at August 8th. I helped my parents’ job almost every day.
It was interesting. I went to Beppu city with my parents.
Beppu city is very famous spa place in Japan.
At first, we went to safari park named African safari in Beppu city.
There was very good safari park, because the car can pass through the park by own car.
I saw a lot of animals there. I had good time in Beppu city.

Self introduction

I was born in Kumamoto city on 19, September, 1988. I am university student and studying English in Tezukayama University. I want to be pilot. This is my dream since I was child. Maybe I will take the entrance examination for Civil Aviation College.  I am studying English because I need English skills for enter the Civil Aviation College. I listen to music and go to anywhere when I have free time.