
Compare Japanese Cristmas and New Year with British Cristmas and New Year

Today, I’m going to compare Japanese Christmas and New Year with British Christmas and New Year.
In Britain, Christmas Day is a holiday, but Christmas Eve in not. People buy presents for friends and family and hide them until Christmas Eve. Then they put the presents under the Christmas tree. People usually have parties on Christmas Eve and spend Christmas Day with their family. On Christmas Day, people go to church, open their presents, eat Christmas lunch and watch the Queen’s Speech. Christmas lunch is usually roast turkey, roast potatoes, vegetables, mince pies and Christmas pudding.
In Japan, Christmas Day is not a holiday, nor is Christmas Eve. People buy presents for their partner and their children. Parents put the presents beside the children’s pillow after the child has gone to sleep. On Christmas Day, many people eat shortcake. It’s Japanese original custom. Japanese eat Sushi, Fried chicken, French fries and stew on Christmas Day. Many British people go to church on Christmas Day, but Japanese do not go to church because many Japanese are Buddhist, not Christian.
In Britain, New Year is a short holiday. Only January 1st is a holiday. People go to parties on New Year’s Eve, stay up until midnight with family and friends and celebrate New Year with champagne. Although January 2nd is not a holiday, many people stay home. There is no special food for New Year.
In Japan, New Year is a short holiday too. People eat buckwheat noodles on midnight of New Year Eve. January 1st, many people pay a visit to a shrine on New Year’s Day with own partner, family and relatives. People eat Japanese New Year food on January 1st. Most people receive New Year card and children get Hansel from parents and relatives. Many people leave own parents’ home on January 3rd or 4th.
In both Japan and Britain, people spend the holiday with family and friends. In Britain, people eat special food at Christmas, but in Japan people eat special food at New Year. In Britain, people give presents at Christmas and New Year. In Britain, Christmas is more important, but in Japan, New Year is more important.
I had a very good New Year. I went to shrine with my family when become New Year. New Year Day is my father’s 50th birthday. We celebrated and gave him birthday presents and ate shortcake! On January 3rd, I went to Dazaihu-Tenmangu with my friends in Fukuoka. There were so many people in the shrine.


Winter vacation

Winter vacation will begin from December 23. I will go to Kintestu Hanazono Rugby Stadium on December 27. The all high school champion ship is take place in Kintetu Hanazono Rugby Stadium and my old school participation in this champion ship. I will cheer my junior with my friends. Then I will go back my hometown. I will wash my car and house cleaning when I back to home. I will cerebrate new year with my parent and relatives. If I have a time , I want to go Dazaihu-Tenmangu at the beginning of the year.


Nepal and Bali

I have been to many countries because my parents' job is importing antique beads,

Asian furniture, and sundry foods and so on.

The countries I cannot forget are Bali Island and Nepal.

Bali Island is a famous sightseeing spot and it is very warm in all seasons.

But, Nepal is not such a famous sightseeing spot and it is cold in the winter.


How to make Cheesecake

First, you prepare 60 grams sugar, 2 eggs, 200 grams cream cheese, 100 grams tofu, 50 grams starch and slight amount of squeeze of lemon. Then, you melt the cream cheese and smooth. Next, you put in the sugar, eggs, tofu, starch and squeeze of lemon in the melted cream cheese and mix it well. Finally, You put the mix in the rice cooker, and switch on. When the rice is ready, it is complete. Add blueberry jam according to your taste.


The Bank Robbery

This story is about a woman and her grandson who stopped bank robbery. The woman's name is Sarah and his grandson's name is Michael. Sarah and Michael are stop at First National Bank on its way to shopping. The bank robbery breaks out in First National Bank. Sarah and Michael are in the bank. She is making a deposit and cashing a check. Her handbag and her umbrella are on her arm. Michael has a balloon on a string. A man with a checkered hat is walking in. This man walks to a window. His picture is on the bulletin board. He pulls out a toy gun. He shows a note that asks for money. He takes two bags of money. He starts to run away. Sarah hits him with her umbrella. She stops him. A policeman takes the robber away. A many crowd watches. The bank director gives the reward to Sarah. She looks happy to get the money. Michael gets seven balloons from the bank director. Michael also has a smile on his face. After that, they go shopping and spend the reward.



On October 31st, we celebrate Halloween, thought to be the one night of the year when ghosts, witches, and fairies are especially active.
Why do we celebrate Halloween?
The easy answer to this question is that no one really knows the origins of Halloween.
What we do know for sure is that Halloween is on the eve of a major Catholic festival, All Saints (1st November) and the eve of the pagan Celtic festival known as Samhain.
The three days between 31st October and 2nd November see pagan and Christian celebrations intertwined in a fascinating way and is a perfect example of superstition struggling with religious belief.
Currently, it is widely thought that Halloween originated as a pagan Celtic festival of the dead related to the Irish and Scottish Samhain, but there is no evidence that it was connected with the dead in pre-Christian times.(Source: Stations of the Sun by Ronald Hutton pages 360-70)
On the following page we will outline some of the facts, so you can decide for yourself, and join the debate, of the origins of Halloween.



MSDF’s warship collides with container ship!

The MSDF’s destroyer named Kurama was collided with the South Korean container ship named Carina Star on Tuesday night in the Kanmon channel near the southern of Kyusyu.
Three Kurama crew were injured. One Kurama crew member was scratches and bruises and other two crew member were sickened by inhaling smoke of fire.
Fortunately, none of the Carina Star’s crew members were injured.
The Kurama’s bow was badly damaged but it was able to navigation by own.
The Kurama carrying 360 crew members and it was way to its home port of Sasebo on Kyusyu from the port of Yokosuka when accident was happen.